The children of Ntaria school (NT) and Killara (NSW) have done an amazing job, taking a song we all know so well – our national anthem – and turning it into something new and exciting.
- Peter Garrett AM MP Commonwealth Minister for Education |
Reconciliation Australia is pleased to be supporting the Kutju (Go Forward) Australia project, a fantastic way for both students and teachers to learn about the languages and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Leah Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer, Reconciliation Australia |
I very much welcome Ted Egan's initiative to promote a body of scholarship around the remaining First Australian languages. Their preservation is important for us all. The singing of our national anthem in some of these languages at appropriate times and occasions is a logical step in their preservation.
The best version I have ever heard of Advance Australia Fair is Luritja, one of the many Aboriginal languages. Every child should have a go at learning it. Good on you, Ted Egan, for being involved in such a fantastic production. I recommend that every school should have a copy.
The national anthem with one verse in the Aboriginal language was most moving. I hope this will encourage the speakers of the remaining traditional languages to also record in their own dialect.
A brilliant, beautiful rendition of Advance Australia Fair that I recommend be sung in every school.
- Michael Jeffrey AC AO (Mil) CVO MC |
Kutju Australia marks the arrival of a version of the national anthem in a language as Australian as the emu and the kangaroo on the national coat of arms. Why, we must ask ourselves, was this not accomplished years ago?
- John Kerr, writer and publisher |
This resource provides a wonderful link for all Australians. Schools and students will enjoy the many learning opportunities that can be developed.
- Donna Robbins, First Australian, M Ed |
I heartly endorse programs as designed and suggested by Ted Egan and appeal for assistance to initiate more of these programs for our people.
- Vic Chapman, First Australian, PSM |
This initiative to introduce in our country a practice whereby Australians can, optionally, sing our national anthem in both English and one or more of Australia's indigenous languages has my warm approval and support.
I support the Kutju Australia project to preserve and celebrate indigenous Australian languages, including singing our national anthem. One's mother tongue goes straight to the heart and mind and this is what an anthem and national feeling should express.
- Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG |